Dear Partners,
We are launching the next competition titled "Spring competition of creatives" on the GoFuckBiz forum !
To take part in the competition:
1. Create a funny picture with a popular and relevant meme or comics.
2. Post it to any social network.
3. Repost the picture to the forum thread.
You can read the detailed terms and conditions of the competition following the link.
The competition will last for two weeks from 11 to 24 April.
We define the best 5 images and announce the winners on April, 27.
Five winners will get rewarded to:
1st place - iPhone 6S+ 128GB
2nd place - $200
3rd place - $150
4th place - $100
5th place - $50
We wish a good luck and more creative ideas to all the participants!
Best Regards,
WelcomePartners Team.